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Weekend Updates


Susan Bergman arrives this afternoon and I am excited to prep for her workshop this weekend! We had one participant have to step out so there is a spot available. If you have been on the fence for this one, please get in touch with me since we do now have a spot open. Her focus for this workshop is birds and all things feathered. I’ve got a couple of my own ideas for a frilly feathered mirror but who knows what Susan has in store for us and what will become of those ideas!

Studio hours for the remainder of this week and through the weekend will be adjusted slightly due to the workshop schedule:

Wednesday August 17 1:00-5:30

Thursday August 18 2:00-5:30 HOWEVER- Susan and I will be there most of the day prepping for Friday so if you need to swing on by, just text, we will probably be there all morning.

Friday August 19- Sunday August 21 Susan’s workshop is from 10-4 each day. We welcome you stopping by, we will be busy and the studio will be a bit chaotic! If you e never seen one of her workshops in action, they are definitely in action!! Lots happening and lots of projects in the works! Please plan to work in the side studio if you are coming in during this time to give everyone participating space to work.

Tuesday August 23 will be “Bring a Buddy” night at the studio for members night. Please bring someone who has shown some curiosity about clay to show them what we are doing in the studio! There will not be a guided lesson or anything else formal like that, we’d just like to offer the opportunity to bring in a guest for the evening. There will be no charge for a guest for this. Please let me know if you will be there and if you’re able to bring someone along.

I will be out of town Friday August 26th so there will be no morning studio hours since Liz Blalock is also out of town.

If you have work ready for bisque firing, please stop in so we can get things fired. We are close to a kiln load and I hope to have one ready to go soon so that we can get a full glaze load soon for everyone! With classes starting back up, I expect to get back into a regular firing rotation.

Donna’s beginner class went great! She changed up the things she made with her class from previous classes and I think they did a great job of it! I’m waiting to hear from her on her intermediate class information and will pass that along when I hear her plans.

Christy Becnel is a potter from Abita Springs who has moved to Natchez and will be giving me her teaching schedule soon. She is interested in some sculptural classes and other handbuilding work. I look forward to welcoming her to Natchez and having her a part of the studio.

The adult beginner wheel class began Monday and is going well. It is a large class and it’s essentially full with 8 on the wheels! Fun!!

We would like to add Thursday evenings to the available hours for members and are hoping that one of you will be able to commit to studio sitting then. Please let me know if you are available to volunteer for this to expand our available hours. We are still actively working on finding a new studio space, keep your eyes open and let us know if you have heard of anything.

Some of you have expressed interest in Lana Stamper’s metal clay classes, she is back and teaching again so check out her schedule. She’s added some fun beading classes to her schedule that are great night out with friends classes. Wanted to let you know those have been added to her line up!

Thanks everyone! Look forward to seeing you around this week and seeing a good group on Tuesday for the guest night!


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Mississippi School of Folk Arts

PO Box 696

Natchez MS 39121

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5 East Franklin St, Natchez, MS

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