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It’s almost January!

I hope everyone has had a really nice holiday weekend and is enjoying this Monday off! I will have no official studio sitting hours this week, please call me or Liz Blalock if you need to do anything over there in the meantime. I'll be unavailable all of Thursday this week as I have other commitments and otherwise I'm giving myself a mini vacation while I can, thanks for understanding.

Here are some important dates to keep in mind during the next two weeks:

Wednesday December 28 final bisque firing before moving, please have all greenware on the shelf Tuesday night

No later than January 3, please clean off your personal shelf, wipe off the shelf, bring your tools home or contact me to bring them to the new studio everything left on your shelf after this date will belong to the school

Wednesday January 4 final glaze firing before moving, please have all glazed work on the shelf by Tuesday January 3

Saturday January 7th moving day! Time TBA (watching the weather)

Tuesday January 10, mandatory member meeting followed by member night at our new location (please contact me if you are unable to attend this meeting)

A couple of things to note about the move... we need to be completely out of 209 Franklin St before the end of January. The school cannot afford to double up on rent for any portion of February. This is going to mean help from all of you! After we move January 7th, we will need to deep clean, touch up paint, and make sure the space is in good shape to hand the keys back to Conner. This means we will all have to chip in to get things done over there. Please let me know when you can help and with what. Remember as a nonprofit we can give service hours to high school students if you've got any who need to fulfill hours get them in touch!

The week of January 2-6 we need to do some moving prep. If you have boxes, tubs, bins or other things we can use to pack in, please bring those to member night tomorrow so we have them on hand! I'd like to have as much as possible packed up before we move! Let me know if you can help with that. The other thing we need to do is paint the new clay studio. Let me know if you can help with that project too. We are hoping to borrow a paint sprayer if anyone has one and is willing to let us use it, please let me know.

The bathroom is currently being completely redone at 5 E Franklin St (our official new address!) to accommodate ADA needs, we will have full occupancy of the space once this is complete. We expect it to be completed by January 7th. Should this not happen, you can still have full access to the clay studio after January 10th, just be forewarned there will be no facilities. There will also still be some other work ongoing in the new space during January. Minor things which should not affect anyone very much and most of those things will be in the large studio room, not the clay room.

We will give out keys January 10th at our meeting. We will go over a few things during this meeting but keep it as brief as possible so everyone can get going on member night afterwards! It is so exciting that you will all have full studio access again! Wow! It has been a very long year and we truly appreciate everyone being patient, helping as they can and putting up with the limited hours. We plan to keep Tuesday nights set aside for Member Night for everyone to work together and are hoping to add some other clay community times and things for us to work together!

And speaking of clay community... Empty Bowl work sessions will be starting up very soon. We will let you know when those will be. We need to start cranking out those bowls to get them done in time! The event is Sunday March 5th, if you want to volunteer the day of or beforehand, I will be glad to get you in touch with Patricia to coordinate with her.

Thanks for everything and a very happy new year to all of you!! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone a lot in the next two weeks!


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