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February 27th through March 5th schedule

This weekend we are finishing up moving everything out of Clifton. I'm sorry I was unable to post scheduled hours but we were very busy sorting everything and preparing for the event Friday evening. The studio is completely organized now and we hope those who haven't been by will soon.

Hours for the week ahead:

Monday: 2:30-5:00

Tuesday 2:30-5:30, Members' Night 6:30-8:30

Wednesday: 1:30-5:30

Thursday 2:30-5:30

Friday 9:00-4:00*

Saturday 9:00 - 4:00*

*Please note that Friday through Sunday March 4-6 there is an oil painting workshop taught by Carol Hallock. The clay studio will be accessible during these hours, however, please respect the space of those attending the workshop. If you arrive or are leaving and Carol is speaking, please wait to walk through the studio until she is finished with her presentation or demo. Please do not linger in the main studio or disrupt the students, they need to have their space to learn and create. We hope that during future workshops, we will be able to open the clay studio to students to allow you more regular weekend access. This one will be a trial run for that. The studio will be full with their easels, etc as there are twelve attending so be aware that getting through may be a challenge. If you do decide to work in the clay studio, you will need to keep the sliding door closed and keep music and talking to a low volume.

Please plan to attend Members' Night Tuesday March 15th for a thirty minute mandatory meeting at 6:30. We will go over the space usage and a few other details that go along with now being located in a multi-use space. If you are unable to come for this for any reason, please reach out to me so we can schedule a separate time to meet as this is important information everyone needs to have.

Several of you have asked for information on payments. We will be installing the mailbox in the clay studio for you to leave payments. Checks can also be mailed to P.O. Box 696, Natchez, MS 39121. You may also continue to pay online or use either Venmo @msfolkart under businesses or PayPal to You can also set up regular PayPal payments to be received by us on a certain date. Membership will remain $80 per month.

Hope to see you this week!


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